This is over 8 hours of course material, spiritual downloads, and abundance activation to help uncover our deep-rooted money stories that causes energetic blocks in our natural flow of abundance. It's time we begin to ride the wave of prosperity which is our birthright.

What's your relationship status with money?
Is it a horrible ex?
An amazing lover?
Your best friend?
A partner that ghosted you?
Don't worry if you're not feeling your answer. For many years, I experienced money as the ultimate betrayer. I felt like money made all the promises to me in the world but when I needed it most it would leave me high and dry. Can you relate?
This is the reason why I'm introducing this space to examine our money relationships as we journey on the road to healing our money wounds. Yes, we have them. It's the reason we become super anxious when making a purchase, or receiving an unexpected bill, or deciding if you're going to splurge on bag or vacation.

"Money is Energy & Energy Flows"

Testimonial from former student @phoenix_lotusflower:

"I laid out all my bills and spoke mantras over them. Blessed them with manifestation oils and prayed over them. Then I let it go. All money I have received I thanked. This morning I woke up to $4,100 in my account...I've made Money My Bae!"

Week One

We begin by addressing our history with money. What did our parents, grandparents, church, school, culture, and society teach us about money? What was the early messaging we received that we still believe today? This will allow us to become more aware of our money patterns and our trauma experiences with money. Yes, trauma! Any relationship is susceptible to an experience of trauma. And because of this, we develop responses to help us cope and feel safe. We are going to treat money like any other relationship by creating a container for us to release our negative beliefs around money and begin the journey of creating a new money narrative that nourishes our abundant nature.

Week Two

Once we uncover our money relationship history, we begin to move into a practice of forgiveness. My working definition of forgiveness is simply a release of energy, primarily forms of fear. In this week, we will be making amends and that means we will admit our role in our fragmented relationships with money. This is a powerful week because it allows us to truly breakthrough our conditioned money patterns that aren't serving us! If this sounds scary, don't worry. You will receive so much support as you move through this phase.

Week Three

Get your birth charts out because we're going to use them! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, no worries. I'm here to guide. We will use the beautiful gift of astrology to see how your zodiac sign interacts with the "money houses" of your divine blueprint. We came upon the planet with a lesson plan. Through the astrological lens, we will discover how your personal lessons are around money and how you can strengthen your currency situationship!

Week Four

Yes, I'm asking the question.  Are you a money stalker? What do I mean by that? Think about it, have you ever felt completely desperate for money? Have you done the absolute most to get it's attention to no avail? Do you attempt to follow money where he/she/they go? Is money thinking about filing a restraining order against you? I hope you're laughing at this point and acknowledging if this resonates. As a reformed money stalker myself, I'm here to let you know that money can come see you instead of you running after it!

Week Five

As a way of coping, we have a tendency, usually unconscious, to project our fears on something or someone else in order to not feel as triggered. For instance, you might see someone who reminds you of someone you've had a negative experience with and place all those feelings on this perfect stranger. We do this with money as well. We can project our anxiety, frustration, anger, resentment all at money's doorstep. That doesn't really make money feel wanted so our work will be to deep clean our money mindset and beliefs so we can actually see money as a friend, and not an enemy.

Week Six

At the root of all of this is ENERGY! We are ENERGY, and so is MONEY! We will learn to look past the tangible paper experience of money and use our intuition to deepen our relationship with the ENERGY of MONEY. We will spend time in this session in guided meditation and visualization to tap into our Sacral and Root Chakras, our money seats, to clear our energy channels of stuck energy that impedes on our money flow. Through this experience, we begin to shift our creative power from a space of scarcity to one of prosperity!

This is how our clients responded when asked the question: Any wins or major shifts/breakthroughs you'd like to share?

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